[COIN-DISCUSS] Problems with MPI application using COIN

Andreas Waechter andreasw at watson.ibm.com
Wed Jun 20 13:37:26 EDT 2007

Hi Yang,

The first thing I would suggest is to use the same compiler for your 
application and the COIN libraries.  You can specify the compiler you want 
to use with the CC, CXX, anf F77 (if you have Fortran code) arguments for 
configure, see


You probably also want to use the same compiler flags (CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS 
as in your application.  The COIN configure scripts determine a default 
value for those, based on the compiler name, and we have also default 
values for the Intel compilers (maybe you like them already as they 

I hope this helps,


On Wed, 20 Jun 2007, YANG YUAN wrote:

> Hi,
> I am working on a MPI application using COIN-cbc, clp as solvers. The COIN
> shared libraries have been made using gcc, however, my own MPI program
> together with COIN failed to compile using mpicc (a compiler and linker
> constructed for MPI application). Instead, i use the intel C++ compiler
> "icpc" together with some necessary MPI lib and include files.
> Fortunately, the compilation and linking are fine, but on the other hand,
> probably it is one of the reason that causes the following errors.
> If I add the link flags -cxxlib-gcc or -shared while linking my program with
> COIN shared libraries. the executable can be successfully generated.
> However, everytime i run it, it directly gives me a seg fault even without
> getting into the main function. it is proved by no output of the first
> "printf", as shown below.
> #include ***
> int
> main (int argc, char *argv[])
> {
>  printf ("Beginning of the code.\n");
> ......
> }
> If I get rid of the link flags -cxxlib-gcc or -shared, the above seg fault
> is gone. and the Coin utility functions seem to work fine, but it fails to
> solve a simple MIP problem with output "Cbc: LP relaxation is infeasible or
> too expensive". I write the MIP out, actually the problem is ok and it can
> be solved very easily.
> I am suspecting that there might exist some linking errors, so that although
> the libraries (-lCbc -lCgl -lOsiClp -lOsiCbc -lOsi -lClp -lCoinUtils) have
> been linked, they don't function well. I sense the usage of shared libraries
> might also be a problem, but so far i have no luck in finding what's wrong.
> If you have any idea or some experience with using MPI and COIN together,
> please kindly provide me some directions. Any suggestion is extremely
> appreciated!
> Thanks!
> yang
> p.s. The following is the makefile i am using:
> /******************************************
> CXX = icpc
> # C++ Compiler options
> CXXFLAGS = -O2 -unroll0 -mp1 -w -ip
> # -cxxlib-gcc -gcc-version=323
> # additional C++ Compiler options for linking
> #-Wl,--rpath -Wl,/home/osu4502/Coin-Cbc/lib -cxxlib-gcc
> # Directory with COIN header files
> COININCDIR = $(HOME)/Coin-Cbc-T1/include
> # Directory with COIN libraries
> COINLIBDIR = $(HOME)/Coin-Cbc-T1/lib
> # Directory with C library and header files
> CINCDIR = /usr/local/intel-8.0-20040716/include/c++
> CLIBDIR = /usr/local/intel-8.0-20040716/lib
> # Libraries necessary to link with Clp
> LIBS = -L$(COINLIBDIR) -lCbc -lCgl -lOsiClp -lOsiCbc -lOsi -lClp -lCoinUtils
> \
>       -lm -lc \
>       `cat $(COINLIBDIR)/cgl_addlibs.txt` \
>       `cat $(COINLIBDIR)/osi_addlibs.txt` \
>       `cat $(COINLIBDIR)/clp_addlibs.txt` \
>       `cat $(COINLIBDIR)/coinutils_addlibs.txt`
> # ------------------------------------------------------------
> clean :
>       /bin/rm -rf *.o *~
> realclean :
>       /bin/rm -rf *.o *~
>       /bin/rm -rf *.mps *.ord *.sos *.lp *.sav *.net *.msg
> # ------------------------------------------------------------
> d2alg: d2algFuncsV2.o  d2algMainV2.o COINInterface.o
>       $(CXX) $(CXXLINKFLAGS) d2algMainV2.o d2algFuncsV2.o COINInterface.o
> -o d2alg  $(MPI_LIBS) $(LIBS)
> COINInterface.o: $(D2BAC)/ COINInterface.c
> $(D2BAC)/COINInterface.c -o COINInterface.o
> d2algMainV2.o: $(D2BAC)/ d2algMainV2.c
> $(D2BAC)/d2algMainV2.c -o d2algMainV2.o
> d2algFuncsV2.o: $(D2BAC)/ d2algFuncsV2.c
> $(D2BAC)/d2algFuncsV2.c -o d2algFuncsV2.o

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