[Coin-discuss] parameter parser

Andreas Waechter andreasw at watson.ibm.com
Mon Feb 12 10:24:18 EST 2007


> I looked at your OptionsList class. I think I see how to register options and 
> how to read options from a file. Is it possible to read from a file, but then 
> override an option at the command line?
> For example - how would I do something like:
> opts.txt:
> optionA = 2
> optionB= "ddd"
> ./myapp --param opts.txt --optionA 4
> which would read opts.txt, but then override option1 to 4 based on command 
> line?

That the moment, the options stuff in Ipopt is somewhat tailored to the 
needs in Ipopt and Bonmin (which uses it too), but there is no reason why 
we couldn't add features like the one you just described.

There a few things in the Ipopt/src/Common directory that might be of more 
general use (when we wrote it, we purposely tried to make it general), and 
of course I wouldn't mind if that would move to CoinUtils.

Here are three funcitonalities that might be useful to others:

- An implementation of smart pointers (IpSmartPtr.hpp):

   A templated pointer class that does reference counting and automatically
   deletes objects when they are no longer referenced.
   Possible inconveniences here are that everything that is pointed to has
   to inherit off of a "ReferencedObject", and that circular references
   must be avoided.

- The options list (as discussed above):

   Here, the algorithm developer "registers" options at the beginning of
   the program execution (at some point we had an automatic initialization
   using the C++'s automatic initialization, but that didn't work on some
   platforms when the main program was written in Fortran).  Those options
   can then be "set" by the user in different forms and their value can be
   recieved later by the algorithm (if the user didn't set the value, a
   default value is returned).  When an option is registered, one also
   provides a short and a detailed descrptions that can be printed later.
   (Currently this is a little crued, but of course that could be

- A Journalist class (IpJournalist.hpp):

   This allows to have a number of "journals", different output "channels"
   to be opened and to be used to write different information in different
   degree of details.  In the algorithm code, one then specifies a "level"
   and a category, and the information is then written to all journals that
   correspond to that.

- A caching mechanism for computational results (IpCachedResults.hpp):

   This mechanism allows to "cache" certain results, such as the outcome of
   a (nonlinear) problem function evaluations.  For this, we define
   quantities on which the results depend on (such as a vector).  The
   vector has a unique tag, which is changed whenever the value of the
   vector is changed.  All this is set up so that one usually doens't need
   to worry about any of this when writing the regular code.

Carl Laird had implemented those nice features when we started the 
reimplemetation of the Ipopt code in C++.  I'm copying him explicitly (not 
sure if he is subscribed to this mailing list), and he might want to add 
more information.

I think that those are really useful tools, and they might be helpful to 
others.  Currently, they might not yet be as general so that they can be 
used by everybody, but of course we could improve that.  The only thing is 
to find time to do that... :)



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