[Coin-discuss] Installing past version of Cbc

Takuma Kawai takuma-kawai at exa-corp.co.jp
Fri Sep 8 07:36:17 EDT 2006


I'm trying to build Cbc of past version,
back from 2005-12-04, on an AIX server.
To do this without installing Subversion
on AIX, I took the following steps.

1) install Subversion on Windows XP,
2) check out Cbc,
svn co https://projects.coin-or.org/svn/Cbc/trunk coin-Cbc
3) check out version 2005-12-04,
svn co -r "{"2005-12-04"}" https://projects.coin-or.org/svn/Cbc/trunk 
4) FTP all files and directoris to
   the target AIX server,
5) build Cbc on AIX. (make)

What I found out at step 5 was that
Makefile.location and some other make
related files should be in $(CoinDir)/Makefiles
('../Makefiles' from the Cbc root) to build Cbc
but they were not.

I see I have to execute the 'configure'
script to create makefiles, but 'configure'
was deleted at step 3 when I downloaded
older version. I suppose 'configure'
has been added after 2005-12-04.

I know $(CoinDir)/Makefiles are included
in Cbc tar balls uploaded on the coin-or
ftp site, but I cannot download one
from 10 month ago.

Could someone tell me how I can build
2005-12-04 version of Cbc?


Takuma Kawai
Mailto:takuma-kawai at exa-corp.co.jp 

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