[Coin-discuss]Configuring Osi on Maverick (TACC)

Lou Hafer lou at cs.sfu.ca
Thu Nov 30 17:52:47 EST 2006


	I'm going to spend a little time trying to duplicate your problems with
building/compiling OSI. It'll help me a bit to know which version of OSI you're

  * Tarball? If so, 0.95.0 or 0.95.1?
  * Svn checkout? If so, which of these:
      or some other URL?

Also, could you please send me the file Clp/config.log? This is the detailed
record of the configure run for Clp; it conveys a lot more information than the 
console output that you attached to the ticket.

I'm going to try to do the build on a SunBlade 1500/Solaris 10/Studio 11. 
Depending on the results, I may be back to you for additional information.

Was Andreas able to resolve the problem with OsiDylp and CoinIntPtr on the Linux
box?  If not, there are two workarounds you can use:

  * add --without-osidylp-info to the configure command
  * edit the file config_osi.h and #undefine the symbol ODSI_INFOMSGS
Use the second one if you don't want to run configure yet again, but be aware 
that config_osi.h is regenerated each time you run configure. If you have
the file CoinUtils/config.log, it would help me if you could send it to me.


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