[Coin-discuss] Building Coin on multiple platforms

Andreas Waechter andreasw at watson.ibm.com
Fri Nov 10 11:58:19 EST 2006

Hi Kish,

>> I am now working around this by adding the --includedir option in 
>> configure so that the include files are also placed in platform 
>> specific directories. This seems to work. However, I didn't expect the 
>> include files to be platform dependent, and as there are 144 files in 
>> the include directories, I am not sure how I can make a comparison 
>> between the different include directories to see what the differences 
>> are.
>> Does any one know if I am doing something wrong to cause this problem, 
>> or if the include files are expected to be platform specific?

No, you are not doing anything wrong, there are platform specific header 
files. The only platform-dependent header files are the ones that are 
generated by the configure script, which are the config_*.h files (e.g., 
config_clp.h).  Those are currently also installed in the default include 
directory (since some of the "static" header files depend on them).

I agree that this is not along the lines of what autoconf developers had 
in mind, and ideally they should be installed a place different from the 
unmodified (and shared) header files.  It's good to know that the 
--includedir option does the job you want.  If you know what other 
projects do in this case, please let me know, and I will try to changed it 



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