Cezik, Tolga mehmetc at amazon.com
Wed May 31 20:58:51 EDT 2006


I'm trying to solve an AMPL model using SYMPHONY. However I am getting the error:

SYMPHONY was called with the following arguments:
symphony /tmp/at5647
Coin6004E EOF on file
Errors in reading mps file
error running symphony:
        termination code 139; core file written

I enter the line "option solver symphony" to my .run script that runs my .mod file and reads my .dat file. This works very smoothly when I use COIN/Cbc!!! I'm a little surprised considering that I've set SYMPHONY to use Clp as well...By the way I've set the GMPL flag ON when I was compiling, and I built GLPK too. What could be the problem? 

Thank you,

M. T. Cezik

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