[Coin-discuss] determining problem type in OSI

Kish Shen kish.shen at crosscoreop.com
Thu Jun 29 12:10:34 EDT 2006


Does OSISolverInterface provide a way of determining the type of a problem 
(e.g. a problem read in by readLp())?

With CbcModel, the numberIntegers() method can be used to determine if a 
problem is a MIP problem or not (>0 ==> MIP problem), but there does not seem 
to be the equivalent in the OSISolverInterface. 

The only generic method I can think of is to check the type of all columns in 
the problem until an integer column is found, but obviously this can be quite 

Thanks in advance!

Yours sincerely, 

Kish Shen

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