[Coin-discuss] CbcModel.isProvenInfeasible() returns true on time-outed problem

Kish Shen kish.shen at crosscoreop.com
Sat Jul 8 02:47:21 EDT 2006


I have added timeout to my code by calling setMaximumSeconds() in the 
OsiClpSolver, and in the CbcModel copied from the OsiClpSolver. 

For the various problems that do timeout, when the CbcModel's 
isProvenInfeasible() returns true when it is called after the (aborted) 

If the branchAndBound did not finish, then neither optimality nor 
infeasibility can be proven, so isProvenInfeasible() should return false.  In 
fact, in some of the aborted MIP search, solutions were found, and so the 
problem is proven to be feasible, rather than infeasible. [as I mentioned in 
a previous post, for my usage of the COIN libraries, it would be very useful 
to have a isProvenPrimalFeasible() call]



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