[Coin-discuss] CoinMpsIO setMpsData

Matthew Galati Matthew.Galati at sas.com
Mon Aug 28 13:07:23 EDT 2006

I still can't create tickets... Here is one for CoinUtils.

CoinPackedMatrix M(...);
CoinMpsIO m;

m.setMpsData(M, ... );

Because matrixByColumn is NULL. I think getNumRows() should be called from the input matrix m?

This occurs in two versions of setMpsData.

CoinMpsIO::setMpsData(const CoinPackedMatrix& m, const double infinity,
		      const double* collb, const double* colub,
		      const double* obj, const char* integrality,
		      const char* rowsen, const double* rowrhs,
		      const double* rowrng,
		      char const * const * const colnames,
		      char const * const * const rownames)
   //const int numrows = matrixByColumn_->getNumRows();
   const int numrows = m.getNumRows();


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