[Coin-discuss] Some small syntactic changes for Windows COIN

librik at panix.com librik at panix.com
Wed Aug 9 18:51:23 EDT 2006

In order to be part of the C interface on Windows, functions need to be
declared with the COINLINKAGE decoration.  Almost all of them are, but
there were a few oversights.

Here, then, are some necessary edits to CBC and CLP headers and interfaces.

(1) In the files Clp_C_Interface.cpp and Clp_C_Interface.h, the function
maximumIterations is missing its COINLINKAGE decoration.  Change:
    COINLIBAPI int maximumIterations(Clp_Simplex * model)
    COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE maximumIterations(Clp_Simplex * model)
in both the .cpp and the .h file.

(2) In the files Cbc_C_Interface.cpp and Cbc_C_Interface.h, several function
declarations & definitions are missing their COINLINKAGE decorations.  Change:
    COINLIBAPI int Cbc_maximumIterations(Cbc_Model * model)
    COINLIBAPI int Cbc_maxNumNode(Cbc_Model * model)
    COINLIBAPI int Cbc_maxNumNode(Cbc_Model * model)
    COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE Cbc_maximumIterations(Cbc_Model * model)
    COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE Cbc_maxNumNode(Cbc_Model * model)
    COINLIBAPI int COINLINKAGE Cbc_maxNumNode(Cbc_Model * model)
in both the .cpp and the .h file.

(3) In Coin_C_Defines.h (which has multiple copies in both the include and
Coin/include directory), the line:
    #   define COINLIBAPI __declspec(dllexport) extern "C"
must be rewritten as:
    #   define COINLIBAPI extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)
since newer versions of the Microsoft compiler impose a required order on
__declspec(dllexport).  This change is backwards-compatible.

These three changes are necessary to keep the Windows DLL build working on
the latest compiler.

Sincerely yours,

- David Librik
librik at panix.com

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