[Coin-discuss] GLPK AND SYMPHONY not getting the same solutions
Tobias Achterberg
achterberg at zib.de
Wed Oct 12 09:05:15 EDT 2005
The problem seems to be in the MPS standard.
As you stated the MPS file, you defined ALL variables to be binary, because the MPS standard says
that variables that are included in a
section are binary variables by default. If you want them to be general integer variables, you have
to specify bounds for the variables in the BOUNDS section. That means, your
is redundant, but if you want to declare variables X1, X2, and X3 to be integer, you would have to
include them in the BOUNDS section.
I attached a modified MPS file, in which the X variables are general integers without bounds (i.e.
-inf <= Xi <= +inf). The solution to this problem is X1 = X2 = -299, X3 = Y = 0, obj = -5980000.
If the variables are defined to be general integer with a lower bound of 0, the solution is the zero
Probably, there is a difference in the MPS file readers of Symphony and GLPK...
Regards, Tobi
ZT wrote:
> Hello,
> im having problems getting the same solutions using
> both programs. I attached the MPS file that containts
> the problem, consisting of 3 integer variables and 1
> binary. GLPK calculates the problem correctly,
> SYMPHONY does not. Anyone knows how to get the same
> solution out of SYMPHONY?
> thanks! bye
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Tobias Achterberg Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum fuer
Informationstechnik Berlin
Tel: +49 (0)30 84185-301 Takustr. 7
Email: achterberg at zib.de D-14195 Berlin, Germany
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