[Coin-discuss] Multicriteria optimization

Emilia Tantar emilia_tantar at yahoo.com
Tue May 24 14:40:47 EDT 2005

Regarding the structure and the developement of OSI
and NLPAPI, this is strongly intended for linear and
nonlinear modeled problems. 

This would make a very difficult approach for some
problems were mathematical models are hard to design
or for problems were there isn't a strongly verified
model or no model at all.

I think there are methods in the litterature which can
be used without having a mathematical model. My goal
and my colleagues goal, being of combining the two
approaches in order to provide a more general model
for operational research problems in multicriteria

What we propose is another model for representing the
problem, an imperative one : user dependent, algorithm
independent. The model provides a minimal set of
interface functions in order to assure corect data
manipulation and interpretation.

We are looking forward to hear reactions about our
idea so we can provide further details.

Emilia Tantar

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