[Coin-discuss] Gnu MathProg modeling language into OSI and glpk.

John J Forrest jjforre at us.ibm.com
Mon Mar 28 17:05:00 EST 2005

GLPK has Gnu MathProg modeling language which is a subset of AMPL.  If you 
have glpk on your computer and uncomment the relevant lines in 
makefile.location you can now read files using readGMPL which exists in 
Osi and Clp.  I hope somebody finds it useful.  Thanks to Ted Ralphs 
implementation in Symphony I was saved the bother of reading the glpk 
manual :-)

The unit test for OsiGlpkSolverInterface seemed badly broken.  I think I 
have fixed enough for it to do unit test but please tell me if I broke 
something else.

John Forrest
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