[Coin-discuss] interpret this please

Ted Ralphs tkralphs at lehigh.edu
Sat Jul 30 23:43:25 EDT 2005

Laszlo Ladanyi wrote:

> QUESTION: Right now the name of targetdir includes the platform and
> optimization level. What do people think? Is this necessary? Should the target
> dir simply be 'obj'?

My preference would be just a directory called 'obj.' If it seems like 
people find it useful to have object files divided by platform and/or 
optimization level, this could still be done by creating subdirectories 
under the main 'obj' directory. However, my preference would be to stop 
dividing object files by optimization level. If you recompile with 
several different optimization levels, it is easy to fill your hard 
drive with object files and then forget about them (they won't be 
deleted by "make clean" once you change levels). Of course, this would 
mean requiring the user to do a "make clean" manually and recompile from 
scratch in order to change levels, so perhaps this is too onerous for 
some users, but for most, it will be fine. Perhaps you should have a 
flag for advance users that allows separation, but that is turned off by 


Dr. Ted Ralphs
Assistant Professor
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Lehigh University
tkralphs at lehigh.edu

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