[Coin-discuss] Re: using COIN-OR

Kipp Martin kmartin at gsb.uchicago.edu
Wed Jul 6 15:03:26 EDT 2005


I use COIN with Visual Studio .NET. Here is an easy way to get up
and running. There is a tool called nmake that comes with Visual
Studio. It is much like GNU make. Below is a simple nmake file
that will create the COIN library. You can then add this library
to any Visual Studio .NET project you wish.

I call the nmake file coinlibmakefile.vc. At the command line
(make sure nmake is in your PATH command) type

nmake -f coinlibmakefile.vc

It will produce a file coinlib.lib that you can add to your Visual
Studio C++ projects. I have done the same thing for OSI, CLP, etc.
I have been using the CLP and glpk solvers through the COIN OSI
interface without any problems.

Good luck


# Define Macros
CFLAGS = -c -nologo -O2 -GX -GR
!IF "$(DEBUG)" == "1"
COIN_INCLUDES = -I$(COIN_HOME)/coin/include

# Compile the files

# suffix rules

#Build the COIN static library
./coin/lib/coinlib.lib :  $(COIN_PATH_OUTPUT)/*.obj
    lib -OUT:./coin/lib/coinlib.lib   $(COIN_PATH_OUTPUT)/*.obj

Kipp Martin
Professor of Operations Research
    and Computing Technology
University of Chicago
Graduate School of Business
5807 South Woodlawn Avenue
Chicago IL 60637

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