[Coin-discuss] How to cut off "optimal" solution in CBC

Lou Hafer lou at cs.sfu.ca
Wed Aug 24 18:34:30 EDT 2005

Ted writes (commenting on Mike's earlier post)

> As Mike pointed out, there is no way for the solver to continue if the
> current solution is integral and not feasible unless the user either
> generates a cut or implements a special branching rule for this case.

	Perhaps I'm missing something obvious, but I don't agree with this.  The
standard action on discovering a solution is to stash it away and retrieve a new
node from the live set (i.e., to continue).  Deciding to discard the incumbent,
the new solution, or both, can be an independent decision.  If the criteria for
rejection amounts to something like `not aesthetically pleasing', that may not
be possible to capture in a cut, but it's possible that the next solution the
solver discovers may have that better look.  I agree that the user will likely
want to do something beyond letting the solver stumble on blindly through the
search tree.


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