[Coin-discuss] Problems with OpenTS and MultiThreadedTabuSearch

Fabian Grüning fabian.gruening at informatik.uni-oldenburg.de
Tue Nov 9 18:27:50 EST 2004

Hi everybody,

I use the OpenTS api for solving an optimization problem which works 
fine when I am using a SingleThreadedTabuSearch object or the 
MultiThreadedTabuSearch with the threads set to 1 
I am using a computer with four processors and want to use all of them 
as you can imagine. But whenever I set the threads to a number greater 
than 1 (e.g. setThreads(4)) all processors start to idle after the 
startSolving() method and waitToFinish() never returns.

Do I have to change anything else so that the MultiThreadedTabuSearch 
works with more than one thread?



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