[Coin-discuss] OSI FortMP interface

Patrick Valente patrick.valente at brunel.ac.uk
Wed Mar 10 07:08:38 EST 2004

Dear COIN team,

I've been working on developing an OSI class for our FortMP
solver. Although not all functionality is yet in place, 
what's there seems to work ok.

I have taken the code of OsiOsl as a skeleton and developed two classes:
- OsiFmpSolverInterface
- OsiFmpSolverInterfaceTest
which make use of our FortMP solver.
We would be very happy to add our code to COIN.
Could you please let me know if this is possible and 
what do I need to do? (whom should I send the code to, etc.)

Kind regards


Dr Patrick Valente

CARISMA: Centre for the Analysis of Risk and
Optimisation Modelling Applications,
Mathematical Sciences Building , Brunel University
Cleveland Road, Uxbridge, Middlesex UB8 3PH,  England
E-mail:  patrick.valente at brunel.ac.uk
Web: http://www.brunel.ac.uk/~masrppv

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