[Coin-discuss] little problem solved in ClpPackedMatrix.cpp

Rolf Steenge rolf_steenge at planet.nl
Mon Jun 28 13:44:48 EDT 2004

Dear Coin,

I found a small problem in the program ClpPackedMatrix.cpp in the function ClpPackedMatrix::scale:

Original code:

#ifndef NO_RTTI
    ClpQuadraticObjective * quadraticObj = (dynamic_cast< ClpQuadraticObjective*>(obj));
    ClpQuadraticObjective * quadraticObj = NULL;
    if (obj->type()==2)
      quadraticObj = (static_cast< ClpQuadraticObjective*>(obj));

I have NO_RTTI in my project settings (MS visual C++ V6, Windows/XP) and ran into the debugger, because obj->type() was 1 and not 2. So I changed the code in line with the RTTI case and had no more problems:

ClpQuadraticObjective * quadraticObj = NULL;
#ifndef NO_RTTI
 if (obj->type()==2)
  quadraticObj = (ClpQuadraticObjective*)obj;
    if (obj->type()==2)
      quadraticObj = (static_cast< ClpQuadraticObjective*>(obj));

Another question: would it be helpful to run the profiler to see what the most cpu demanding functions are and then try to adapt these functions in order to improve overall performance. Or is this something that already has been done?

Rolf Steenge
Archipel 3619
8224 HL Lelystad
the Netherlands 
mail rolf_steenge at planet.nl
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