[Coin-discuss] Bounds Checking

Joseph Young josyoun at nmt.edu
Thu Jul 29 16:56:26 EDT 2004

	Right now, there does not appear to be any bounds checking in 
COIN.  For example, you are allowed set the objective coefficient of a a 
collumn that doesn't exist.  While some solvers recover gracefully, like 
glpk, others don't, such as clp.  Would this be too difficult to add?

	Here is some sample code that will crash clp:
typedef OsiClpSolverInterface OsiXxxSolverInterface;
int main(){
    double          rZero = 0;
    int             iZero = 0;
    OsiXxxSolverInterface *clsLp=new OsiXxxSolverInterface;
    double          inf = clsLp->getInfinity();
    clsLp->loadProblem(0, 0, &iZero, &iZero, &rZero,
                      &rZero, &rZero, &rZero, &rZero, &rZero);
    clsLp->setObjCoeff(2000,0.);  //This line indexes a col that doesn't exist
    delete clsLp;

Sinc, Joseph Young

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