[Coin-discuss] Trouble Capturing Sbb output with Linux redirect

steven.henderson at us.army.mil steven.henderson at us.army.mil
Fri Feb 20 08:26:46 EST 2004

I am writing a web interface for COIN, specifically for Clp and Sbb.
I want to capture output from these, especially from Sbb.  The idea
being folks could "check progress" as the model runs.

My first attempt was to pause Sbb every x nodes, use methods 
to get best solution and current objective, write these to a database, 
then restart.  Is it possible to restart sbb after it times out or reaches
node/solution count?
My next thought was to just dump all Sbb output to a file, then read and
display the output as it runs.  However, I am having major problems
getting output.   When I run my application in the backgroud, the
output file is empty until Sbb terminates.
My app that invokes Sbb is wcSbb.
I invoke the process as follows:
nohup /COIN/webCOIN/wcSbb > /COIN/webCOIN/outfiles/myoutfile &
The process goes to background, but output file is empty until Sbb terminates.
I am on a Redhat box (9.0)

I get the same thing if I try:

/COIN/webCOIN/wcSbb > /COIN/webCOIN/outfiles/myoutfile 
I apologize if this turns out to be some linux setting.  I just thought maybe 
someone else had encountered it as well.
Thank you,
Steve Henderson

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