[Coin-discuss] Cbc and miplib3

Sven de Vries devries at ma.tum.de
Tue Dec 21 06:08:55 EST 2004

Hi John,

> ...
> So I have removed some of these asserts so that should help.

yes, now it runs again without a flaw.

> There were one or two places were it seemed there was an abort without any
> assert.  I could only find one likely place for that to happen and it
> could not occur if NDEBUG was defined.  I have added a message so you can
> tell me if that was the problem - then I can look further.

they've disappeared.

> By the way for Clp and Coin as a whole there is a slight performance
> penalty if NDEBUG is not defined.  the latest Makefile.Linux sets NDEBUG
> if any optimization is done which may explain some of the difference
> between Linux and Sun/Mac.

I changed in the Makefile.Darwin to:

compilerOptFlags := -O -O1 -O2 -O3 -O4 -O5 -O6

ifeq ($(OptLevel),-O)
    OPTFLAG = -O6
    OPTFLAG = $(OptLevel)

ifneq (,$(filter $(compilerOptFlags),$(OptLevel)))
    # If any optimization flag occurs then:

copying part of the LINUX-Makefile over.

shouldn\t this take care of it?


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