[Coin-discuss] OsiCuts bug

Matthew Galati magh at lehigh.edu
Sat May 24 23:42:26 EDT 2003

Hi Folks,

1 bug, 1 design question to report on OsiCuts/OsiCut:

OsiCuts::iterator OsiCuts::iterator::operator++() {
    if ( (rowCutIndex_+1)>=cutsPtr_->sizeRowCuts() ) {
        if ( cuts_.sizeRowCuts() > 0 && colCutIndex_<cuts_.sizeRowCuts() )

Seems it should be checking the colCutIndex against the number of col 
cuts, not row cuts

        if ( cuts_.sizeRowCuts() > 0 && colCutIndex_<cuts_.sizeColCuts() )

Although OsiCut::operator== is virtual, the derivation in OsiRowCut is 
not actually overloaded...

inline virtual bool operator==(const OsiCut& rhs) const;
bool OsiCut::operator==(const OsiCut& rhs) const
  return effectiveness()==rhs.effectiveness();

bool OsiRowCut::operator==(const OsiRowCut& rhs) const

Since the arguments are different... to overload it, the operator should 
be defined as

bool OsiRowCut::operator==(const OsiCut& rhs) const

This is perhaps intentional as, the OsiRowCut::operator== needs to 
access members of the derived class that don't exist in the base 
class... this actually brings up the question of whether or not 
OsiCut::operator== should be virtual in this case. This example came up 
in a situation where we are looping over OsiCuts with the 
OsiCuts::iterator... once getting the OsiCut, we want to apply the 
derived version of the operator==, but the current design will use the 
base classes operator== (despite it being virtual). To get around this, 
we have to dynamic_cast the return of the iterator to an OsiRowCut 
before using operator==. I am not sure if this can work - but can the 
iterators be virtual so that we are not forced to cast?


Matthew Galati
ISE Lehigh University
IBM Service Parts Solutions
610.758.4042 (Office)
610.882.0779 (Home)
magh at lehigh.edu, magal11 at us.ibm.com

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