[Coin-discuss] Help using Osi with Xpress

Matthew Saltzman mjs at ces.clemson.edu
Tue Jun 24 17:52:11 EDT 2003

On Mon, 23 Jun 2003, Flavio Keidi Miyazawa wrote:

> Dear Osi,
> I have a problem using Osi with Xpress. The attached code works
> with Clp and Osl but do not work with Xpress.
> The problem is exactly when the bounds on the variable x1 are
> changed.
> I used the following compilation command:
> g++ -g problem.cpp  -D_REENTRANT -I/software/xpress/include/
> -I../packages/COIN/include/ -o m -DCOIN_USE_XPR
> ../packages/COIN/lib/libOsi.so ../packages/COIN/lib/libCoin-O3.so
> ../packages/COIN/lib/libCoin.so ../packages/COIN/lib/libOsi-O.so
> ../packages/COIN/lib/libOsiXpr-O.so -L/software/xpress/lib -lxprb
> -lxprm_mc -lxprm_rt -lxprs -lpthread -lm
> I'm using Xpress 13.
> Sugestions ?

It's a bug.  The fix is in CVS and should be in tonight's tarball.

Thanks for catching it.

BTW, you only need to include libCoin.so, libOsi.so, and linOsiXpr.so, not
the -O or -O3 versions.  libCoin-g.so, libCoin-O.so, etc., are the actual
libraries, and libCoin.so is a symlink to the last one you built.  So

g++ -g problem.cpp  -D_REENTRANT -I/software/xpress2003/include/ \
-I../packages/COIN/include/ -o m -DCOIN_USE_XPR \
../packages/COIN/lib/libOsi.so ../packages/COIN/lib/libCoin.so \
../packages/COIN/lib/libOsiXpr.so -L/software/xpress2003/lib \
-lxprs -lpthread -lm

should work and will link with the last libCoin that you built.

As far as the various XPRESS libraries: at the moment, on my system,
linking with all of them produces undefined symbols.  I'm not sure why,
but I suspect it's a glibc thing.  Linking with just libxprs seems to
work, though.

> Thanks,
> Flavio.

		Matthew Saltzman

Clemson University Math Sciences
mjs at clemson.edu

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