[Coin-discuss] OSL interface

Sofia Figueiredo sofia at substancia.com
Fri Nov 29 12:25:55 EST 2002

Hello all,

I'm using OSL as the LPSolver to COIN OSI.
I'm compiling it in Microsoft Visual C++.net.
In ekk_c_api.h, although the methods in classes are exported, I get errors like this:

error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _ekk_deleteModel at 4 referenced in function "private: void __thiscall OsiOslSolverInterface::gutsOfDestructor(void)" (?gutsOfDestructor at OsiOslSolverInterface@@AAEXXZ)
Does anyone know why? Or how can I solve this problem?

Won't I need also a .lib or .dll file from OSL?



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