[Coin-discuss] OsiSimplexInterface status

Jonathan Eckstein jeckstei at rutcor.rutgers.edu
Fri May 3 11:40:00 EDT 2002

Dear COIN community,

Recently there was a question posted to the list about what is the
status of OsiSimplexInterface and why it is not posted yet. To answer,
we have to say that we hoped to receive some feedback from the community
on the proposed abstract interface first, possibly modify/expand it, and
then post. However, we received no feedback, so we (possibly mistakenly)
assumed that posting is not an urgent matter.

The current status is as follows: we have implemented a set of basic
pivot-level access methods both for CPLEX and SIMPO. We would like to
add a few more methods before we post interface for CPLEX (these were
not needed for our particular application, but should be there for
completeness). We can probably post the CPLEX version within a few
weeks.  We would prefer not to post the interface for SIMPO at this
moment, as the matter should be discussed with an original author of
SIMPO (Robert Vanderbei) first.

We would hope that pivot-level control capabilities in future
open-source simplex solvers could be integrated into the
OsiSimplexInterface framework.  If people would like to see changes in
what we've proposed, we are very open to suggestions -- we would like to
get feedback as soon as possible.

Best regards,

Jonathan Eckstein
Mikhail Nediak

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