[Coin-discuss] Python Binding

Brady Hunsaker hunsaker at isye.gatech.edu
Thu Dec 12 14:28:20 EST 2002


What form is your "bridge" to Python?  Do you mean that you have
wrappers for the OSI API functions so that they can be called from a
Python script, or is it something else?

I have conversed with several users of GLPK who prefer to use
scripting languages like Perl or Python, rather than the typical C
interface.  They have to make wrappers themselves using a utility such
as SWIG (www.swig.org).

I'm not sure that this is exactly what Vivian is referring to, but I
think we should consider something like this for OSI.  I don't think
it would take too much effort.  Of course, even a little effort
wouldn't be worthwhile if we didn't think it would be used.


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