[Coin-announce] COIN-OR Cup: call for nominations
Giacomo Nannicini
giacomo.n at gmail.com
Sun Aug 29 08:50:22 EDT 2021
CALL FOR NOMINATIONS: 17th annual "COIN-OR Cup" competition sponsored
by the COIN-OR Foundation.
The COIN-OR Cup recognizes and celebrates the best contributions to
open source operations research software development and use
associated with the COIN-OR software collection. To remind you,
COIN-OR stands for "COmputational INfrastructure for OPerations
Research". It is the definitive collection of free open source
operations research software that lets you concentrate on your
research instead of re-implementing software. See
https://www.coin-or.org. Get on board!
A submission or nomination must contain:
1. A synopsis of an effective use of COIN-OR or valuable contribution
to COIN-OR (or both!), including an explanation of its significance.
Maximum 3 pages (pdf format).
2. Copies of relevant papers or documents (pdf format).
We especially encourage nominations describing effective use of
COIN-OR that the community may not know about.
Self-nominations are welcome and encouraged.
Submission deadline: Friday, October 3, 2021.
Please e-mail your submissions to coin-cup at coin-or.org in a single
zipped archive, containing a description of your submission and copies
of all relevant papers/documents in pdf format.
The winner is normally announced and celebrated during the INFORMS
annual meeting. Due to travel uncertainty, the winner may instead
be announced online at the COIN-OR general meeting; details for the
announcement and celebration will be revealed when available.
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