[Coin-announce] CMPL v.1.9.0 released
Mike Steglich
mike.steglich at th-wildau.de
Tue Mar 4 10:13:43 EST 2014
Dear COIN-OR community,
I am pleased to announce the release of CMPL 1.9.0.
New main features and change log (full description ->http://www.coliop.org/changelog.html)
jCMPL (v.1.0)
jCMPL is the CMPL API for Java.
As in pyCMPL - the main idea of this API is to define sets and parameters within
the user application, to start and control the solving process and to read the
solution(s) into the application if the problem is feasible.
All variables, objective functions and constraints are defined in CMPL.
These functionalities can be used with a local CMPL installation or a CMPLServer.
CMPL (v.1.9.0)
- Direct access to a CMPLServer by the new command line argument -cmplUrl <url>
Most of the command line arguments used for a local CMPL installation can be used.
- CBC handling is now faster and less memory consuming because Cmpl communicates
now directly with CBC.
- readcsv
A vector now can be read as a row with n elements or n rows with one element.
In booth cases a column vector is created.
- MPS file handling of constraints with type N (e.g. inactive objective functions)
These constraints or inactive objective function are committed as constraints
with type "G" and an lower bound equal to negative infinity.
This behaviour avoids the deletion by solver preprocessing and as result these
constraints or inactive objective function can be shown in the solution reports.
pyCMPL (v.1.2)
- Most of the CMPL command line arguments can now used with to a CMPLServer.
- Additional methods Cpml.getVarByName(self, name, solNr=0) and
Cpml.getConByName(self, name, solNr=0) to obtain variables and contraints
directly by their name.
CMPLServer (v.1.2)
- Version and compatibility check for CMPLServer clients
- New options that can be defined in the new pyCmpl option file (CMPLhome/pyCmpl/pyCmpl.opt):
- maxProblems - Maximum number of problems that can be solved in parallel (default 8)
- maxInactivityTime - Inactivity time (in seconds) after that a problem is
removed from the CMPLServer (default 60*60*12)
- port - Port of the CMPLServer (default 8008)
- new class CmplInfo to support the transfer of some CMPL statistics and the generated matrix
Coliop (v.1.19)
- Some minor changes to enable an access to a CMPLServer.
The Manual is available at http://www.coliop.org/_download/CMPL.pdf.
The Binaries are available at www.coliop.org/download.html.
Source code
can be obtained by checking out the source code using a subversion client.
svn co https://projects.coin-or.org/svn/Cmpl/releases/1.9.0 CMPL
Mailing list and support
If you are interested to get a direct support, to post bugs or to communicate wishes then please use our CMPL mailing list hosted at COIN-OR http://list.coin-or.org/mailman/listinfo/Cmpl
For more information please visit www.coliop.org and projects.coin-or.org/Cmpl.
Mike Steglich
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