[Coin-announce] OpenOpt release 0.39

Dmitrey dmitrey15 at ukr.net
Fri Jun 15 11:07:54 EDT 2012

Hi all,
I'm glad to inform you about new OpenOpt release 0.39 (quarterly since 

OpenOpt is free, even for commercial purposes, cross-platform software 
for mathematical modeling and (mainstream) optimization. Our website 
have reached 259 visitors daily, that is same to tomopt.com 
<http://tomopt.com> and ~ 1/3 of gams.com <http://gams.com> ( details 

In the new release:
* interalg <http://openopt.org/interalg> (medium-scaled solver with 
specifiable accuracy abs(f-f*) <= fTol): add categorical variables and 
general logical constraints, many other improvements
* Some improvements for automatic differentiation
* DerApproximator and some OpenOpt/FuncDesigner functionality now works 
with PyPy <http://openopt.org/PyPy> (Python with dinamic compilation, 
some problems are solved several times faster now)
* New solver lsmr for dense/sparse LLSP <http://openopt.org/LLSP> 
(linear least squares)
* Some bugfixes and some other changes

In our website ( http://openopt.org ) you could vote for most required 
OpenOpt Suite development direction(s).

Regards, D.
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