[Coin-announce] Call for Sessions at INFORMS Annual Meeting
Ted Ralphs
ted at lehigh.edu
Sun Apr 6 11:30:38 EDT 2008
Hi everyone,
I am organizing a cluster on computational optimization and software at
the 2008 INFORMS Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C. It would be great to
see some sessions related to COIN-OR in this cluster, although I realize
there is also a cluster being organized on open source software. If you
would like to organize a session, please contact me by May 1. Details below.
Cluster on Computational Optimization and Software
2008 INFORMS Annual Conference
October 12-15, 2008
Washington, DC
This cluster is co-sponsored by the INFORMS Optimization Society
(http://optimization.society.informs.org/) and the INFORMS Computing
Society (http://computing.society.informs.org/). The cluster will
emphasize the general areas of optimization, computer science, software
engineering and development, applications of computational tools, or any
other related topics. If you are interested in organizing a session,
including joint sessions with other INFORMS sections, please contact me
by May 1, 2008 at the latest. Note that the final deadline for
submission of all sessions and talks this year is May 15, 2008 and THERE
WILL BE NO EXTENSIONS, as there usually have been in the past. This is
due to the earlier-than-usual date of the conference.
Thanks for your attention. We now return you to your regular programming.
Ted Ralphs
Cluster Chair, Computational Optimization and Software
INFORMS Annual Meeting 2008
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