[Coin-announce] talks sought for GOR meeting Saarbruecken September
stefan at vigerske.de
stefan at vigerske.de
Mon Apr 16 12:19:07 EDT 2007
Dear users and developers of COIN-OR projects,
I would like to put your attention to the conference OR2007 (http://www.or2007.de) of the german operations research society (GOR) in Saarbruecken, Germany, from 5-7th of September 2007.
Michael Bussieck from GAMS and I would like to increase the visibility of COIN-OR by organizing a session on COIN-OR related subjects. So far it is planned to have a talk on the GAMSlinks project. I would welcome hearing from anyone who would like to contribute a talk to such a session.
Note that the abstract submission deadline, which is the 30.04.2007, is approaching very soon.
Stefan Vigerske
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