[Cmpl] Beta release for CMPL v.2. available

Mike Steglich mike.steglich at berlin.de
Fri Jul 2 10:58:04 EDT 2021

Dear Cmpl users,

The CMPL team is pleased to announce the first beta version of CMPL 2. 

CMPL has been (almost) completely redeveloped and comes with a lot of new functionalities. 

Examples are improved syntax,  logical constraints, native support for SOS, the opportunity for users to write their own functions in CMPL and much more. Furthermore, CMPL has been extended with a new interactive interface to Excel. A user can read sets and parameters into the cmpl model and write results directly into an open excel file. This feature is availbale on Windows and macOS. 

In addition, pyCmpl, jCmpl and CmplServer have been revised and  extended. For example, pyCmpl is now fully ported to Python 3. Python2 is no longer supported. 

Binaries, Examples and Manual

The executable files for Windows, macOs and Linux, examples and the manual can be found under the following link: 

https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1y5tSNsdcbm9ush6wkO_RhMU5kh12BifD <https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1y5tSNsdcbm9ush6wkO_RhMU5kh12BifD>

The binaries will be continuously updated with bug fixes until the beta phase ends.

It would be great if you could test this version and report any errors. Please use the CMPL mailing list or report a issue at https://github.com/MikeSteglich/Cmpl2/issues <https://github.com/MikeSteglich/Cmpl2/issues>. 

Source code

The source code is available on Github:

https://github.com/MikeSteglich/Cmpl2 <https://github.com/MikeSteglich/Cmpl2>
https://github.com/MikeSteglich/Coliop <https://github.com/MikeSteglich/Coliop>

https://github.com/MikeSteglich/pyCmpl3 <https://github.com/MikeSteglich/pyCmpl3>

https://github.com/MikeSteglich/jCmpl <https://github.com/MikeSteglich/jCmpl>


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