[Cmpl] Contribution: Installing Cmpl with Homebrew Cask on OS X + fix for installer script

Kamil Figiela kfigiela at agh.edu.pl
Sat Nov 1 12:43:49 EDT 2014


For those who use Cmpl on Mac OS X, I’ve just made contribution to Homebrew [1] Cask [2] repository. Pull request is waiting to be merged into main Casks repository: https://github.com/caskroom/homebrew-cask/pull/7116, so it will be posssible to download and install Cmpl by simply running `brew cask install cmpl`.

I also have some suggestions on the installer script. Firstly, binaries should be installed into /usr/local/bin and not in /usr/bin [3]. Furthermore, installer assumes that current directory is the one where installer is. To solve that issue I added the line to ensure CWD is correct. What is more, it does “cd ..; cp Cmpl /Applications/“ – here is the assumption, that the directory is named Cmpl. In my case, as I had already Cmpl directory in my Downloads, the Unarchiver extracted new version to Cmpl-2, so I ended with “new” installer installing old binaries. You can find fixed version of installer and deinstaller on Gist https://gist.github.com/kfigiela/69d246a68c8028aef33d. Possibly, Linux scripts may also require similar fixes.


[1] http://brew.sh
[2] http://caskroom.io
[3] http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/8656/usr-bin-vs-usr-local-bin-on-linux

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