[Clp] CbcHeuristicLocal

Irina Hafner i.hafner at mathtec.at
Mon Nov 6 12:09:19 EST 2017

Hi all,

I am currently working on a specific LP, where it is easy to calculate a feasible solution in advance. Hence, I am looking for an algorithm to improve an initial solution, for example via local search.
I know, there is the "CbcHeuristicLocal" class and I even found some examples.  When I tried to implement the algorithm in the following way

OsiClpSolverInterface clp;
CbcModel model(clp);
//[...set initial solution...]
CbcHeuristicLocal heuristicLocal(model);

the solution didn't improve, and I got the following log massage "Cbc0045I Heuristic local took 0 seconds (no good)". So, I think the algorithm didn't even start.
I am wondering if I missed to set some parameters or if I can't use this class as I thought?
Has somebody some experiences with local search, the CbCHeuristicLocal class or with the CbcTreeLocal class? It would be great to get more information on this topic!

Thank you in advance,

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