[Clp] Java Interface for CLP

Nils Löhndorf nils.loehndorf at wu.ac.at
Tue Mar 1 06:26:10 EST 2016

Dear colleagues,

I would like to point your attention to a Java interface for CLP that I have just completed. The interface is open source, and you can find the code and docs on Github: https://github.com/loehndorf/clp-java <https://github.com/loehndorf/clp-java>

To make it as easy as possible for Java developers, the interface is packaged as a jar file that includes and handles the native libs for Mac, Linux64, Win64: https://github.com/loehndorf/clp-java/releases <https://github.com/loehndorf/clp-java/releases>
All you need to do is include the jar in your Java project. No need to reset the Java path to locate the native libs.

I also added a few builder classes to make model building a little smoother. Models can be formulated in a very compact way, given that the Java lang does not allow operator overloading to provide some sort of algebraic modeling.

Feel free to suggest changes or fixes using the Github issues: https://github.com/loehndorf/clp-java/issues <https://github.com/loehndorf/clp-java/issues>


Dr. Nils Loehndorf
WU Vienna, Department of Information Systems
Email: nils.loehndorf at wu.ac.at; Tel: +43-676-3566165
Web http://www.wu.ac.at/prodman/team/loehndorf

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