[Clp] How to provide an initial feasible x?

alexander alexander at lunar-orbit.de
Fri Sep 25 17:44:51 EDT 2015


Mail delivery from the list to my address failed so I'm sending this again.

I'm solving the following kind of problem:
min c^T x
s.t. Ax = b
x >= 0

And I can provide an initial x which fulfills Ax=b, but I don't know how
to hand it to the solver.

Currently I'm doing this:

    // Create the simplex solver and load the problem.
    ClpSimplex m;
    m.loadProblem(cols + 2*rows, rows, start.data(), indices.data(),
values.data(), collb.data(), NULL, obj_c.data(), b.memptr(), b.memptr(),

How can I provide the solver with the initial feasible x?

Best Regards,

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