[Clp] Suppressing terminal output using CoinMP.dll

Kelly, Jeff (ON0F) jeff.kelly at honeywell.com
Thu Jan 5 06:51:08 EST 2012


I am using CoinMP.dll inside a successive linear program (SLP) coded in Fortran which works well but I am having trouble suppressing the LP minor iterations to the screen.

I make the following calls ...

          rtnstat = CoinOpenLogFile(prbptr,TRIM(probname)//".log"//CHAR(0))
          rtnstat = CoinSetIntOption(prbptr,COIN_INT_LOGLEVEL,0)

However, I do not know the enumeration for option ID COIN_INT_LOGLEVEL and the log-file is not created.

Any help on this would be appreciated.

Thanks - Jeff

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