[Clp] Help: Use Clp in Dev C++ and solve the infinity norm minimization

RiCo riccokassa at gmail.com
Tue Nov 29 22:53:13 EST 2011


I have read the installation guide.  Since I am new in C/C++ and Clp, I am
sorry but I don' understand how and where to implement the "make"
instruction to tell the Dev C++ to link to Clp.  There are many details
which are complex to me.

I wrote a C program using Dev C++  and want to call the API of Clp.

What I want to do is to solve a problem like this (the minimization of a
Matrix equation):

M=[1 0 2 3; 2 -1 3 5; 4 1 -1 2; 0 -3 4 3];
N=[3 0 4; 1 5 2; 7 1 3; 2 2 1];
K=[1 0 2 3; 2 -1 3 5];
minimize( norm(M-N*X*K,Inf) )
return X

In real case, M, N, and K are all in very big size. My C program will
generate these three matrix. I hope to call Clp API to solve this
minimization problem.

I wish someone could help me with this issue. Any advice is very

Thank you so much.
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