[Clp] Clp AddColumns and AddRows examples

Eggenberg Niklaus niklaus.eggenberg at epfl.ch
Mon Dec 5 06:10:24 EST 2011

Dear CLP users,
I am currently trying to work out my own framework for LP-solver using CLP.

For performance issues I looked at the addRows and AddColumns examples in CLP (I could not find the release number, the one that comes with Cbc 2.5.0).

I actually realized a few issues:
1) there seems to be an error in the CoinModel examples : I get access violations in the "model.addColumns" calls. Replacing by "model.loadProblem" works.

2) Could someone explain to me the difference between CoinBuild and CoinBuild+-1, explaining why it is so much faster? I struggle to find out from the source code.

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