[Clp] Save and restore an LP solution/basis?

Francis Carr fcarr at itasoftware.com
Wed Oct 6 13:27:16 EDT 2010

I would like to save and restore an LP solution/basis.  According to my reading of the Clp API, the following seems like it *should* achieve this goal:
  ClpSimplex original;
followed later by
  ClpSimplex restore;
where I am expecting that final invocation of restore.primal(...) should *NOT* re-solve from scratch.

But it doesn't work?  It always re-solves from scratch!  I have tried many variations:
  various solvers (primal or dual or "initialSolve") with various options;
  various options to writeBasis and readBasis;
  replacing the basis functions with saveSolution/restoreSolution from CbcOrClpParam.cpp.
Please, what am I doing wrong?

I am using the current "stable" Clp, pulled yesterday from svn:
The usual "configure; make" linux build went off without any problems, and "make test" was error-free.

 -- FC

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