[Clp] Warmstart Query

Agram Piyush Shanker shanker at stanford.edu
Wed Jul 14 18:11:15 EDT 2010

   to provide more information. 

1) I have all equality constraints. Subject to most of the variables being non-negative. The few remaining variables are all unsigned.
2) The entire constraint matrix is either (+1,-1,0). The problem is Totally unimodular.  All the RHS of the equality constraints are also (+1,-1,0).
3) The coefficients in the objective functions are also integers.
4) I now managed to initialize a basis by 
   a) Setting Rowstatus and Columnstatus.
   b) Copying solution into PrimalColumnSolution and PrimalRowSolution.
   c) checkSolution(2) which uses the status to ensure that the basis is correct and this works.
   d) factorize() to compute the factorization using the current basis.
    e) getSolution() using this factorization.

Is this a correct approach? Then I try to solve the problem using primal() and it seems to take ages. Anyone has any ideas on how to improve the speed? Sorry if the questions seem novice-ish but I just started migrating code that worked with CPLEX to CLP for free distribution. 


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