[Clp] potential memory leak in CLP with CBC trunk

Kish Shen kisshen at cisco.com
Wed Feb 11 12:40:06 EST 2009

Stefan Vigerske wrote:
> Hi,
> valgrind should also tell you where the memory has been allocated that
> has not been freed. Such an info would be very helpful, I think :-).
> You would need to specify --leak-check=full --show-reachable=yes as
> valgrind options.
> Most info you get when the code is compiled in debug-mode.

Hi Stefan,

Yes, I have been running valgrind with leak-check=full and 
show-reachable=yes, but the result from this is difficult to understand, 
and I strongly suspect that valgrind is not correctly finding the still 
reachable culprits, or perhaps even determining still reachable correctly:

My use of valgrind is mainly trying to see if my own code is leaking 
memory, and I have found various cases that are difficult to understand, 
but seem to suggest that the problem is not in my own code. This one 
with initialSolve() is one, another is with CoinMessahgeHandler -- in 
that case, I was able to simplify the code to simply allocating a 
CoinMessageHandler with new, and then immediately deleting it -- this 
was all I did in that program, and yet I still got 640 bytes reachable 
[I posted about this earlier in the Coin-discuss mailing list].

What I mean about the results being difficult to understand is that in 
these tests, the location of the supposedly reachable blocks keep 
changing. In many cases, valgrind reports the culprit in procedures that 
I know was not called in that execution, and when I comment out that 
procedure, it simply show some other location as the culprit. In some 
other cases, where the culprit is reported in code that is executed, 
commenting out the allocation (the new, and of course the corresponding 
delete), simply resulted in the report of another culprit, often with a 
different size (but the same number of reachable blocks, even though the 
only change should just mean one less new and delete).

For what it is worth, in the current initialSolve() example, in both 
cases, only one stack trace is shown by the show-reachable, and it is 
claiming that the culprit is the

     lp->Solver = new OsiXxxSolverInterface();

line, even though Solver is deleted in both cases. I have ran the code 
with gdb, and checked that the new and delete are applied to the same 
Solver (i.e. it has the same address with p/x Solver).



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