[Clp] questions about MPS file

stefan at vigerske.de stefan at vigerske.de
Wed Nov 26 03:48:58 EST 2008


the MPS format is descripted at, e.g.,

However, using the LP format might be easier if you handwrite your model,
since it is more intuitive.
One documentation is at

Then you should be able to just do something like
clp <instance.mps>
clp <instance.lp>
to solve it.

If you want to call Clp from a library, there are a lot of examples coming with Clp.


I have some questions about clp project. I had a problem like this: 
                         f(x) = C * x ->min, 
                         A * x =B, 
                         x >= 0. 
How can I save it in mps file then I can sovle it using clp. Or there is any other way to input it ? 
I want to get vector x which make f(x) minimum. Which function do I have to call? 
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