[Clp] Compiling Clp with Intel C++

Stefan Vigerske stefan at math.hu-berlin.de
Tue Mar 18 11:32:37 EDT 2008


> I have accomplished to compile the Clp lib and its dependencies using the Intel 
> c++ compiler, but when I compile one of the examples calling using the Clp lib 
> such as “minimum.cpp” a linkedition problem occurs as described below. I tried 
> to change some configurations of the compiler but was unsuccessful. So I would 
> like to know if someone experienced the same problem and could help me to solve it.

Looks like you use Windows.
The Makefile.in in Clp/examples seem to be tailored for Gnu compilers. 
It uses "-L$(COINLIBDIR) -lClp -lCoinUtils" which does not work with cl 
or icl. Better might be
   $(COINLIBDIR)/libClp.la and $(COINLIBDIR)/libCoinUtils.la

Also you seem to have ClpMain.obj in the CLP-library. This is wrong, it 
should be included in the exectuable only. Also the unresolved symbols 
seem to be in ClpMain.obj. They reference to CbcOrClpParam.obj which 
gets included only into the Clp-exectuable too.
So the problem seem to be that ClpMain.obj slipped into your 
Clp-library. However, the Makefile.am does explicitly say that it should 
not go there.


Stefan Vigerske
Humboldt University Berlin, Numerical Mathematics

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