[Coin-lpsolver] Shouldn't primalPivotResult update reduced costs?

Paulo J. S. Silva pjssilva at ime.usp.br
Fri Jun 9 12:42:39 EDT 2006

> I don't see why the time should have increased compared to
> setObjectiveAndRefresh as I was just doing part of that code. 

Just to make it clear. I said that primalPivotResult was taking twice as
long (as before). I haven't compared the times with an explicit call to
setObjectiveAndRefresh following primalPivotResult. 

> However I was being stupid.  I had put in the dual update but in an
> odd place in the sequence of the code AND with a bug.  So I have taken
> out the extra parameter I put in yesterday and it should be faster. 

John, I believe you made some mistake. Now the old code (from my first

  pivotStatus = primalPivotResult(in, 1, out, outStatus, stepSize,NULL);
  printf("1 - %e\n", getReducedCost()[653]);
  printf("2 - %e\n", getReducedCost()[653]);

is printing

  1 - 0,000000e+00
  2 - -7,825281e-02

Once again.



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