[Coin-lpsolver] CLP resolve after objective change?

Tobias Achterberg achterberg at zib.de
Wed Aug 16 17:57:09 EDT 2006

Testing the CLP interface of SCIP I ran into a strange behavior of
CLP. After changing some of the objective coefficients of the columns
by calling clp->setObjCoeff() and resolving the LP by calling
clp->primal(0,1) the old solution is declared to be still optimal. The
same happens with clp->dual(0,1).

May it be that clp->setObjCoeff() does not invalidate some of the
internal data structures, in particular reduced cost values?

Could you (i.e., John) try to find out what's happening? Just to give
you a slight hint of what's going on in the primal resolve, I list my
debugging output of the clp->primal() call (CLP is in the current SVN
version from today, Aug 16):

Breakpoint 2, SCIPlpiSolvePrimal (lpi=0x8b91828) at
1416       int status = lpi->clp->primal(0, lpi->validFactorization ?
3 : 1);
Current language:  auto; currently c++
(gdb) step
ClpSimplex::primal (this=0x8b91888, ifValuesPass=0,
startFinishOptions=3) at ClpSimplex.cpp:4504
4504      if (objective_->type()>1&&objective_->activated())
(gdb) print problemStatus_
$1 = 0
(gdb) print whatsChanged_
$2 = 65471
(gdb) next
4507      CoinAssert (ifValuesPass>=0&&ifValuesPass<3);
4518      int returnCode = ((ClpSimplexPrimal *)
(gdb) step
ClpSimplexPrimal::primal (this=0x8b91888, ifValuesPass=0,
startFinishOptions=3) at ClpSimplexPrimal.cpp:181
181       algorithm_ = +1;
(gdb) next
185       ClpDataSave data = saveData();
186       matrix_->refresh(this); // make sure matrix okay
189       int initialStatus=problemStatus_;
190       int initialIterations = numberIterations_;
191       int initialNegDjs=-1;
(gdb) print numberIterations_
$3 = 0
(gdb) print problemStatus_
$4 = 0
(gdb) next
193       if (!startup(ifValuesPass,startFinishOptions)) {
196         nonLinearCost_->setAverageTheta(1.0e3);
197         int lastCleaned=0; // last time objective or bounds cleaned up
200         pivotRow_=-2;
203         int factorType=0;
204         if (problemStatus_<0&&perturbation_<100) {
222         ClpSimplex * saveModel=NULL;
223         int stopSprint=-1;
224         int sprintPass=0;
225         int reasonableSprintIteration=0;
226         int lastSprintIteration=0;
227         double lastObjectiveValue=COIN_DBL_MAX;
229         progress_->startCheck();
241         while (problemStatus_<0) {
244           for (iRow=0;iRow<4;iRow++) {
245             rowArray_[iRow]->clear();
244           for (iRow=0;iRow<4;iRow++) {
245             rowArray_[iRow]->clear();
244           for (iRow=0;iRow<4;iRow++) {
245             rowArray_[iRow]->clear();
244           for (iRow=0;iRow<4;iRow++) {
245             rowArray_[iRow]->clear();
244           for (iRow=0;iRow<4;iRow++) {
248           for (iColumn=0;iColumn<2;iColumn++) {
249             columnArray_[iColumn]->clear();
248           for (iColumn=0;iColumn<2;iColumn++) {
249             columnArray_[iColumn]->clear();
248           for (iColumn=0;iColumn<2;iColumn++) {
254           matrix_->refresh(this);
257           if
264           if (lastGoodIteration_==numberIterations_&&factorType)
(gdb) print perturbation_
$5 = 100
(gdb) next
266           if (saveModel) {
(gdb) step
ClpSimplexPrimal::statusOfProblemInPrimal (this=0x8b91888,
lastCleaned=@0xbf90acc4, type=0, progress=0x8e1a2a8, doFactorization=true,
    ifValuesPass=0, originalModel=0x0) at ClpSimplexPrimal.cpp:662
662       int saveFirstFree=firstFree_;
(gdb) next
664       int numberPivots = factorization_->pivots();
665       if (type==2) {
(gdb) print numberPivots
$6 = 0
(gdb) next
678       int saveThreshold = factorization_->sparseThreshold();
679       int tentativeStatus = problemStatus_;
680       int numberThrownOut=1; // to loop round on bad factorization
in values pass
681       double lastSumInfeasibility=COIN_DBL_MAX;
682       if (numberIterations_)
684       int nPass=0;
685       while (numberThrownOut) {
686         int nSlackBasic=0;
687         if (nPass) {
693         nPass++;
694         if (problemStatus_>-3||problemStatus_==-4) {
(gdb) print problemStatus_
$7 = -1
(gdb) next
700           if (doFactorization)
701             primalColumnPivot_->saveWeights(this,1);
703           if ((type&&doFactorization)||nSlackBasic==numberRows_) {
762           if (problemStatus_!=-4)
763             problemStatus_=-3;
770         dummy=4;
771         matrix_->generalExpanded(this,9,dummy);
772         numberThrownOut=gutsOfSolution(NULL,NULL,(firstFree_>=0));
773         double sumInfeasibility =
(gdb) print numberThrownOut
$8 = 0
(gdb) next
774         if (numberThrownOut||
(gdb) print sumInfeasibilit
No symbol "sumInfeasibilit" in current context.
(gdb) print sumInfeasibility
$9 = 0
(gdb) next
685       while (numberThrownOut) {
808       if (progress->lastIterationNumber(0)==numberIterations_) {
(gdb) print numberIterations_
$10 = 0
(gdb) print progress->lastIterationNumber(0)
$11 = -1
(gdb) next
815       if
(gdb) print specialOptions_
$12 = 0
(gdb) print numberPrimalInfeasibilities_
$13 = 0
(gdb) print numberDualInfeasibilities_
$14 = 0
(gdb) next
824       if (type!=2&&!ifValuesPass)
(gdb) print type
$15 = 0
(gdb) print ifValuesPass
$16 = 0
(gdb) next
825         loop = progress->looping();
824       if (type!=2&&!ifValuesPass)
(gdb) print loop
$17 = -1
(gdb) next
828       if (loop>=0) {
840       } else if (loop<-1) {
851       if
859       bool goToDual=false;
863       progressFlag_ = 0; //reset progress flag
866         <<numberIterations_<<nonLinearCost_->feasibleReportCost();
870         <<sumDualInfeasibilities_<<numberDualInfeasibilities_;
873                            <<numberDualInfeasibilitiesWithoutFree_;
874       handler_->message()<<CoinMessageEol;
875       if (!primalFeasible()) {
880       double trueInfeasibility =nonLinearCost_->sumInfeasibilities();
881       if
(gdb) print trueInfeasibility
$18 = 0
(gdb) next
883         infeasibilityCost_ =
885         *progress = ClpSimplexProgress();
886         trueInfeasibility = 1.123456e10;
888       if (trueInfeasibility>1.0) {
890         double testValue =
891         double lastInf = progress->lastInfeasibility();
892         if(lastInf<testValue||trueInfeasibility==1.123456e10) {
893           if (infeasibilityCost_<1.0e14) {
894             infeasibilityCost_ *= 1.5;
896             *progress = ClpSimplexProgress();
898             gutsOfSolution(NULL,NULL,ifValuesPass!=0);
903       bool alwaysOptimal = (specialOptions_&1)!=0;
905       if (sumOfRelaxedDualInfeasibilities_ == 0.0&&
(gdb) print alwaysOptimal
$19 = false
(gdb) print sumOfRelaxedDualInfeasibilities_
$20 = 0
(gdb) print sumOfRelaxedPrimalInfeasibilities_
$21 = 0
(gdb) next
908         numberDualInfeasibilities_ = 0;
909         sumDualInfeasibilities_ = 0.0;
910         numberPrimalInfeasibilities_ = 0;
911         sumPrimalInfeasibilities_ = 0.0;
913         if (originalModel) {
919       if ((dualFeasible()||problemStatus_==-4)&&!ifValuesPass) {
(gdb) print problemStatus_
$22 = -3
(gdb) print dualFeasible()
$23 = true
(gdb) next
921         if (nonLinearCost_->numberInfeasibilities()&&
1004          if (perturbation_==101) {
(gdb) print perturbation_
$24 = 100
(gdb) next
1010          bool unflagged = unflag();
1011          if ( lastCleaned!=numberIterations_||unflagged) {
1089            problemStatus_=0; // optimal
(gdb) print lastCleaned
$25 = (int &) @0xbf90acc4: 0
(gdb) print numberIterations_
$26 = 0
(gdb) print unflagged
$27 = false
(gdb) next
1151      matrix_->generalExpanded(this,5,dummy);
1152      if (type==0||type==1) {
1153        if (type!=1||!saveStatus_) {
1155          delete [] saveStatus_;
1156          delete [] savedSolution_;
1157          saveStatus_ = new unsigned char
1158          savedSolution_ = new double [numberRows_+numberColumns_];
1161        CoinMemcpyN(status_,numberColumns_+numberRows_,saveStatus_);
1163               numberRows_,savedSolution_+numberColumns_);
1166      if (doFactorization) {
1168        if (tentativeStatus>-3)
1169          primalColumnPivot_->saveWeights(this,(type <2) ? 2 : 4);
1172        if (saveThreshold) {
1178      if (problemStatus_<0&&!changeMade_) {
1181      lastGoodIteration_ = numberIterations_;
1182      if (goToDual)
1185      if (firstFree_>=0&&saveFirstFree>=0) {
1203    }
ClpSimplexPrimal::primal (this=0x8b91888, ifValuesPass=0,
startFinishOptions=3) at ClpSimplexPrimal.cpp:282
282           if (initialStatus==10) {
303           if (numberDualInfeasibilities_==-776) {
312           int numberSprintIterations=0;
313           int numberSprintColumns =
314           if (problemStatus_==777) {
322           } else if
(problemStatus_<0&&!saveModel&&numberSprintColumns&&firstFree_<0) {
394           factorType=1;
397           pivotRow_=-2;
400           if (problemStatus_>=0)
435       if (problemStatus_==1) {
(gdb) print problemStatus_
$28 = 0
(gdb) next
445       unflag();
446       finish(startFinishOptions);
447       restoreData(data);
448       return problemStatus_;
449     }
ClpSimplex::primal (this=0x8b91888, ifValuesPass=0,
startFinishOptions=3) at ClpSimplex.cpp:4519
4519      if (problemStatus_==10) {
4543      return returnCode;
4544    }
SCIPlpiSolvePrimal (lpi=0x8b91828) at src/scip/lpi_clp.cpp:1417
1417       lpi->validFactorization = true;
(gdb) q

Best, Tobias

Tobias Achterberg          Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum fuer
                           Informationstechnik Berlin
Tel: +49 (0)30 84185-301   Takustr. 7
Email: achterberg at zib.de   D-14195 Berlin, Germany

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