[Coin-lpsolver] bug

Bozhena Bidyuk bbidyuk at dcse.com
Tue Mar 15 18:00:21 EST 2005


I have come across a bug that has caused major memory problems for me.
Could you please fix it for future releases?

Location: ClpNonLinearCost.hpp
In lines 83-84

      if (lower[iSequence]>-1.0e20)
      if (upper[iSequence]<1.0e20)

put is incremented based on bounds 1.0e20 and -1.0e20.
Then arrays are allocated based on precomputed size put:

  lower_ = new double [put];
  cost_ = new double [put];

But then in line 101:

  for (iSequence=0;iSequence<numberTotal1;iSequence++) {
    if (!always4) {
      if (lower[iSequence]>-COIN_DBL_MAX) {

The lower[iSequence] is compared to -COIN_DLB_MAX=-DBL_MAX=-1.7976931348623158e+308
Needless to say that this causes problems when you have many constraints that are "unbounded"
with a lower bound value between -1.0e20 and -1.7976931348623158e+308.
(The upper bound is fine:
	if (upper[iSequence]<1.0e20) {



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