[CHiPPS] About change Search strategy In Alps

化高峰 shimuxi at gmail.com
Sun Apr 28 20:32:44 EDT 2013

Dera Sir,
            I am trying to change search strategy in Alps.
            Here is the idea, at first I use best-first, after 3 minutes, change to depth-first.
            I use the code bellow to do this:
            if(treeSelection_->getType() == 0)
            if(timer_.getWallClock() >= 180)
                treeSelection_ = new AlpsTreeSelectionDepth;
                nodeSelection_ = new AlpsNodeSelectionDepth;
              I add this code in the loops 'while(true)' of masterMain, hubMain and workerMain in AlpsKnowledgeBrokerMPI.cpp.
           But, the result is Segmentation fault in rank 0.
            Here is the question,
            First, could I change search strategy like this?
            Second, if I could do this, is there any code else I should change? 
            Or is there other ways to change search strategy when the searching still is running?

    Best wishes
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