[Cops] Setting physical memory limit

Khoa Vo khoa.vo at informatik.uni-heidelberg.de
Fri Feb 8 09:47:27 EST 2008

Hi Yan,

My ALPS-based program is having problem with memory limitation. In our
cluster, each node (quad-cores processor) has a limitation of 8GB RAM.
One of our testing instances has caused a crash, as the memory it takes
on one node exceeds 8GB.

Is there any parameter in ALPS that I can set a limit of memory? That
means if the total physical memory used in one process exceeds a certain
limit, children ALPS nodes will not be generated anymore? I noticed the
two following parameters, but no number for the memory.

/** The max number of nodes can be processed.  
112           Default: ALPS_INT_MAX */ 
113       nodeLimit,

/** Check memory. 
43           Default: false */ 
44       checkMemory,


==================My parameter files=======================
Alps_instance ../data/Harwell-Boeing_small/lns__131.mtx.rnd

Bw_labelingDirection 0

Bw_upperBound 19

Bw_lowerBound 1

Alps_solLimit 1

#Alps_nodeLimit 5000000

Alps_logFileLevel 0

Alps_msgLevel 1
Alps_hubMsgLevel 0
Alps_workerMsgLevel 0

Alps_hubNum 8

Alps_interClusterBalance 1      # 1: balancing load, 0: don't.
Alps_intraClusterBalance 1      # 1: balancing load, 0: don't.

#Alps_searchStrategy 0 # 0: Best, 1: Best-est, 2: Breath, 3: Depth, 4
#Alps_searchStrategyRampUp  0

#Alps_staticBalanceScheme 0

#Alps_nodeLogInterval 1000
#Alps_hubWorkClusterSizeLimit 1

Alps_masterInitNodeNum 2000 #3000
Alps_hubInitNodeNum 300 #5000
Alps_unitWorkNodes 10

#Alps_hubWorkClusterSizeLimit 3

#Alps_needWorkThreshold 0.5
#Alps_changeWorkThreshold 0.10

#Alps_donorThreshold 0.3
#Alps_receiverThreshold 0.3

#Alps_masterBalancePeriod 60 #0.3
#Alps_hubReportPeriod 30 #0.5

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